SME Strategy Leadership, Management and Strategy

The 3 Pillars of an Effective Data Management Strategy

Written by Anthony Taylor | March 06

SME Strategy is a strategy consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations align their teams and operations around a shared vision, mission, values, goals, and action plans. Our strategic planning services offer guidance on how a strategic planning facilitator can provide support in constructing an effective strategic plan that ensures your strategy is communicated and implemented across your entire organization.

The success of your organization is heavily reliant on its ability to effectively implement its strategic plan.
However, without a data strategy, the likelihood of achieving successful outcomes is greatly diminished. In today's data-driven world, data is becoming increasingly important for organizations to gain a competitive advantage and make informed decisions.

McKinsey & Company discovered that data-driven firms are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times more likely to retain them, and 19 times more likely to be profitable than their counterparts without a data-driven culture.

Having a well-implemented data strategy can provide your organization with the tools to effectively monitor and measure progress toward its goals, identify areas that require improvement, and optimize its decision-making. For instance, in Marketing, data is being used to calculate ROI on marketing campaigns, or come up with new pricing strategies based on A/B testing of campaigns which helps marketing and managers bring in more revenue, and stay ahead of the competition. Data-driven decision-making is critical to achieving organizational objectives and delivering business strategies.

However, simply having a data strategy is not enough. It is crucial to align it with your strategic plan and ensure that all departments and individuals understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving your strategic goals. This requires effective communication and collaboration across all levels of the organization, from your senior leadership team to front-line workers.

By establishing a clear understanding of expectations and success metrics, your organization can ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal and contributing to the overall success of the organization.



How to track your Goals and objectives:

Tracking goals and objectives can be a daunting task for many senior leaders. However, it's crucial to have a consistent and efficient method for tracking progress. Whether it's through spreadsheets, software, or a whiteboard, it's important that everyone on the team is using the same method and frequency for tracking.

In today's world, where data is a critical component of decision-making, it's recommended to use a dedicated strategic planning software that offers features such as task management, GANTT charts, and various metric functions. With software, it's easier to see where you stand in meeting or exceeding goals and where adjustments need to be made to maximize what's working and address areas of weakness.

To make tracking progress effective, it's important to set SMART goals with specific metrics and targets that can be accurately tracked in software. Quarterly strategy reviews can also help make adjustments to your strategy on an ongoing basis.

While spreadsheets are a simple form of tracking, they can lack the high level collaboration and teamwork features and don't support the visualization of your strategic plan. To track strategic goals and objectives with ease, an easy-to-use and understandable strategy software that is organized, updatable, and accessible to everyone is recommended. By implementing these tips, your senior leaders can effectively track their goals and objectives and ensure that team members have the necessary skills and technology to do so.



Avoiding the Multiple Destination Trap with Tracking Monitoring and Reporting: 

As a leader, it can be challenging to ensure that everyone in your organization is on the same page when it comes to your strategic goals. Data overload, siloed data, lack of communication systems, or a central tracking system can all contribute to a lack of clarity and direction.

To avoid these issues, it's important to build an ecosystem where the right data gets tracked, and every member of the team understands how their role and data tie into the organization's vision. This requires a culture that values data-driven decision-making and encourages collaboration and communication.

When it comes to tracking your strategic goals, it's crucial to focus on the data that matters. Too often, organizations fall into the trap of setting multiple destination goals that are disconnected, leading to a lack of focus and wasted resources. Instead, it's better to pick a few strategic priority areas and track the information that will help you understand the clear indicators of success.

For example, let's say your organization's goal is to increase revenue. Instead of focusing on multiple revenue streams, it may be more effective to prioritize a few key areas, such as improving customer retention, increasing sales from existing customers, and expanding into new markets. By tracking and measuring progress in these areas, you can identify what's working and make data-driven decisions to optimize your efforts.

Ultimately, building a culture that values data-driven decision making and clear communication can help you avoid data overload and silos, and ensure that every member of your team is working towards your organization's strategic goals. By tracking the right data and focusing on a few key priority areas, you can achieve your vision and drive long-term success.


Need help with your strategic planning process? A facilitator can help:



Data strategy or scenario planning? Why not both?

Harvard Business Review suggests that external factors account for 85% of a company's performance, making scenario planning crucial for business stability.

In today's business environment, uncertainty is the norm, making it difficult to build a strategic plan for your company. While intuition and gut feelings are useful, decision-making should be based on data and analysis. However, gathering data is often difficult, and it provides no indication of the future. The good news is that there's a tool that can help predict the future and make better choices: scenario planning. By connecting your data strategy to scenario planning, your organization can improve its resiliency in the face of high uncertainty.

Recent research has shown that data-driven scenario planning is essential for businesses to bounce forward from the impact of Covid-19. By adopting a more agile, data-centric approach to decision-making, your organization can shift its priorities towards flexible methodologies that can improve its resiliency.

However for most organizations to fully execute their data strategies, your team needs to understand what they need to track and how it ties into scenario planning. 


Does your organization have a data management strategy but struggle to implement it? You're not alone

As a leader of a large organization, you may have noticed that some individuals, teams, or even whole departments struggle to understand how tracking, monitoring, and reporting data and performance ties into your organization's vision and mission. With years of experience as strategic planning consultants for hundreds of organizations, we know how tough this challenge can be. To successfully execute your strategic plan, every member of your organization needs to be on board with your strategic initiatives. A great way to ensure this is by implementing management training programs that support your leadership team's development, which can save you from the potential cost and frustration of not achieving your strategic plan. 


Are you having a strategy meeting soon? Get our free 2-Day strategic planning agenda. This will provide the framework and structure to help you set and reach your organization's goals.


Management Development Training for Tracking Monitoring and Reporting your strategy progress

Management training programs are a great way to help your organization set up the systems and practices needed to monitor, track, and report progress towards your strategic goals. However, not all management training programs are created equal. It's important to choose a program that not only provides your team with the necessary skills and knowledge but also emphasizes the importance of tracking progress towards your strategic goals. This will ensure that everyone on your team is using the same methods to track their goals, projects, and tasks and can work together to design a system that tracks the progress of your strategic plan.

According to a report by Deloitte, organizations that have a strong culture of goal-setting are three times more likely to have higher levels of employee engagement and performance. By providing your team with management training that emphasizes the importance of monitoring and tracking progress towards your strategic goals, you can create a culture of goal-setting within your organization.

In addition, management training programs can help your team understand which key indicators to watch to determine if you are achieving your organizational goals. This will ensure that everyone is making progress towards your vision and can identify any areas where adjustments may need to be made to keep your organization on track.

Overall, investing in management training programs that focus on monitoring, tracking, and reporting progress towards your strategic goals can significantly impact your organization's success. By establishing a culture of goal-setting and ensuring that everyone on your team has the necessary skills and technology to track their progress, you can maximize what is working and address any areas of weakness throughout the year.


In this Management Training Program on Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting:

At SME Strategy, we understand the importance of effective monitoring, tracking, and reporting to the success of any organization. In fact, research shows that companies with effective performance management processes are 41% more likely to outperform their competitors.

Our Management Training Program is designed to help leadership teams like yours establish clear systems and practices for ongoing monitoring, tracking, and reporting progress to your organization’s strategic plan. By doing so, you can ensure that everyone in your team is working towards the same goals, using similar methods to track their progress, and identifying any areas that need improvement.

During 2- hour workshop within a year's worth of strategy implementation services, we introduce your team to five best practices for monitoring, tracking, and reporting progress. These practices are based on industry research and have proven to be effective in helping organizations achieve their goals. We also review your current goal and action-tracking tools and determine the optimal tracking, monitoring, and reporting structure for your team.

By the end of the program, your team will be aligned around a common system, and each participant will leave with a clear understanding of how to track their quantitative and qualitative progress towards goals and actions. This will not only help you achieve your organizational goals, but it will also create a culture of accountability and continuous improvement within your team.


Are you ready to develop your team's ability consistently to track, monitor and report data? To discover more about our management training programs, schedule a call with us today.