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How to Lead Your Own Strategic Planning Session

By Anthony Taylor - October 09, 2019

SME Strategy is a strategy consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations align their teams and operations around a shared vision, mission, values, goals, and action plans. Our strategic planning services offer guidance on how a strategic planning facilitator can provide support in constructing an effective strategic plan that ensures your strategy is communicated and implemented across your entire organization.


Have you ever experienced getting ready to lead a strategic planning meeting, but not knowing what to do? Don't worry - you are not alone. That's why we created a course called "How to Lead Your Own Strategic Planning Meeting - How to Create Your Own Strategic Plan."


There is so much information about strategic planning facilitation that you can find online. However, when you get into a session or a meeting with your team, there are different things you can cover. I also noticed that people often want to go right to the implementation and action plan without thinking of the strategy. That's why we have made an 8-hour video course that walks you through the process of how to create a strategic plan. It also equips you with the right questions to ask at the right time. You are guaranteed to be using the best structure so you'll get the results you want.

DOWNLOAD PDF: Benefits of Strategic Planning Meeting

With this course, you will learn how to create a strategic plan using our five-step framework. You will also learn how to get your team bought into your plan by using the best practices we've honed over the past eight years. You will learn the best practices for setting goals and action plans.

We’re Here to Help You

When it comes to leading the strategic planning meeting yourself, these things are so important. Organizations and leaders often try to take on everything. They just get busy, and busy, and busy. What we advocate, on the other hand, is narrowing in on three priority areas and laser-focusing on what you are going to do now and the next quarter. We want to help you ensure that those things align with your original goals. 

If you're getting ready to lead a strategy meeting and you've never done it before, check out our course:
Take our course on creating a clear strategic plan

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