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Is a Skills Gap Holding Your Company Back?

By Anthony Taylor - January 21, 2014

Organizational successes are  directly tied to your employees and the team of people that you, as a leader, are working with.

In my experience with sports and other group activities, the same is true. 

This is why sourcing your people and building your team is so important for your company's success. 

When we work with clients to develop their strategic priorities and goals, we help them to make sure that they have the right people and teams in place to be able to implement their plan. 

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The challenge for many companies moving forward is that there is a shortage in the labour market of skilled workers, and that can affect your business strategy in the future.

"According to the results of a Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) study released January 21.

The survey found that 43% of employers feel that providing employees with more training is the best way to deal with the issue. However, an equal number – also 43% – feel it is the prospective employees themselves who should prepare themselves for the labour market."

Though we don't focus on HR consulting, we understand that culture and strategy are closely related, and having the right people in place is an important part of every business strategy. 

During your next company strategic planning session, we encourage you to look ahead to how the changes in skilled labour and the availability of all labour will affect your business and its daily operations.

That may mean that you'll have to start developing and retaining more talent internally, or you may have to look beyond your normal talent pool to fill new or existing roles.


Looking for more information on the strategic planning process?
Access our complete strategic planning starter kit for tools, templates and video walkthroughs: 


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